Thursday, July 12, 2018


I most of my life have been an addicted man.

In my recovery in 12 Step programs I had issue around what a higher power is, and the word GOD did not appeal to my core beliefs.

I was taught that my higher power is my own and no one else needs have my higher power. This is what attracted me to Secular Humanist Moment. I found that I could put my faith in other human beings .


Connection with others became essential to my recovery. I was told I can not keep what I have unless I give it away. So I embarked on a journey of service and getting back in to the human race and putting my hand out to others unconditionally.

It was only then did I become free of the obsession to drink and use drugs.  

I am currently working on 17 years of continuous recovery with out the dogma and guilt and shame I associated with mono theism. I was free from judgement and feeling judged in the same process became self aware and was able to help other that suffer from addiction.


Today I live and work in recovery. I work full time in a 30 day women's treatment facility and I am able to lend support from my own experience strength and hope that their live can be better.

Today I want to Live

By Dennis Knapp

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